Submit an Online Complaint
The Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) regulates state-chartered banks, state-chartered credit unions, securities offerings, securities individuals and entities, money transmitters, check cashers/payday lenders, mortgage lenders and loan officers, and some other consumer/industrial lenders. To file a complaint against an entity, individual, or offering regulated by DFI, submit this online complaint form. Please note, pursuant to Kentucky’s open records laws, any information you provide may by subject to public disclosure upon termination of a formal investigation and immediately if no formal investigation is initiated.

In submitting this complaint, you agree the information provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and that the information may be used by the Department for its investigation. Consumer complaints are considered to have been received by the Department in confidence. However, the Department may, at its sole discretion, disclose your complaint to the person or entity for the purpose of corrective action. The Department may also choose to disclose your complaint to others for the purpose of facilitating an investigation of the person or entity complained against or initiating legal proceedings against the same under the Department's investigation.

Please select a sector of business in which the complaint occurred:
Non Depository Sector

Depository Sector

Securities Sector

Please enter the following information about yourself:
First Name: (required)
Last Name: (required)
Address: (required)
PO Box / Apt#:
City: (required)
State\Country: (required)
Postal Code: (required)
Phone Number: (required)
Email Address: (required)

Preferred method of contact?
Best time of day to contact you?  
Do you authorize anyone else, such as a family member or friend, to speak to the DFI about this complaint on your behalf? ?

Please provide information about your complaint:
Date complaint event occurred
Complaint Summary: (Max 500 Characters)
Is this complaint about a transaction conducted online?
Is this issue currently in litigation or has it been litigated previously?
Have you filed this complaint with another government or regulatory agency?
Have you tried to resolve this complaint?
Have you hired an attorney?